

Working from home because of COVID-19? Here are 10 ways to spend your time


“Classes are cancelled, exams are being re-scheduled, university buildings are staying shut, meetings are being postponed indefinitely,” a Ph.D. student who is based in Austria tweeted last week. “Now what am I supposed to do?”

As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the world, many academics are of course dealing with greater concerns, such as the health of family, friends, or themselves. (See Science's coronavirus coverage here.) But for those free of illness and related burdens, and stuck at home, what do you do with your time? Here are some ideas for scientists who suddenly find themselves working from home.


1. 照顾好好自己健康
1. Take care of yourself.

最重要的,不要忽视自己的 身体和心理 健康。冥想,客厅里做跳跃运动,练习瑜伽,只要对身心健康有益,就去做。
As a first step, don't neglect your physical and mental health. Meditate. Do jumping jacks in your living room. Practice yoga. Whatever it is that works for you, do what it takes to care for your body and mind.


2. 学习新技能
2. Learn a new skill.

面对现实。如果你被困在家里, 你可能不会成为如何使用质谱仪的专家 。但是,你可以提高计算机编程技能——例如,通过学习如何在R中创建一个漂亮的新图形或者如何在LaTeX中生成文档。还可以阅读一本新书,或是完成之前没有完成的在线课程 。
Let's face it. If you're stuck at home, you're probably not going to become an expert on how to run a mass spectrometer. But you could beef up your computer programming skills—for instance, by learning how to create a fancy new graph in R or how to produce documents in LaTeX. You could also read a book about a new topic or circle back to that online course that you never finished.


3. 重拾搁置的项目
3. Revisit that long forgotten project.

在你计算机文件档案的深处,是否有未完成的手稿或未发布的数据?如果是这样,那么您可以利用这段时间来整理这些文件,看看有没有可能发表的内容 。
Somewhere in the deep, dark depths of your computer's file system, do you have an unfinished manuscript or unpublished data? If so, then you might want to use this time to dust off the files and figure out whether what you have is, in fact, publishable.


4. 在网上宣传自己的研究
4. Promote your work online.

考虑花些时间进行线上营销。你的个人网站需要更新吗?你是否打算设置Twitter个人资料,并了解什么是#标签 ?是否想写一篇科普文章?或是制作有关您研究成果的YouTube视频?如果是这样,那么这可能是个绝佳的时机,让你有时间从快节奏中解脱出来,找到与其他研究人员联系、并分享你的研究成果的新途径。
Consider devoting time to a bit of marketing. Does your personal website need updating? Have you been meaning to set up a Twitter profile and learn what hashtags are? Would you like to write a popular science article? Or create a YouTube video about your research? If so, this might be the perfect time to wiggle your way out from underneath the rock you've been living under and find new avenues for connecting with other researchers and sharing your work. If you're struggling with social isolation at home, then social media might also help with that—giving you a way to interact and commiserate with other scientists, such as those on #AcademicTwitter.


5. 创建研究的图形摘要
5. Create a graphical abstract of your research.

Graphical abstracts—self-explanatory visual summaries of the main findings of your research—are an increasingly popular way to communicate science. They take time to make, but they are a perfect eye-catcher and are recyclable. Once you've made one, you can place it on posters, presentation slides, papers, and social media platforms. It could even help you build your personal brand.


6. 申请基金
6. Apply for funding.

You might benefit from spending time scouring the internet for fellowships, grants, and awards. Don't just look in the most obvious places, such as federal grant agency websites. Take a look around for industry awards, lower profile fellowships, and little pots of research funding that you might be able to apply for. Even if you don't receive an award, the process of applying will help you master the skill of grant writing.


7. 思考自己的职业规划
7. Think about your career plans.

When you're in the lab, it's easy to focus on your next experiment and neglect long-term career planning. So, consider using some of your homebound time to learn more about yourself and your career options. You could read a book about career planning, test out career options with online job simulations, or use free introspection tools, such as myIDP. These things will help you reflect on the skills you have, brainstorm skills you'd like to develop, and think about where you see yourself headed in the future.


8. 进行信息面试
8. Conduct informational interviews.

如果你对某个项目有兴趣,不妨利用这段时间去与这个项目的负责人联系。在大流行期间,虽然不适合在咖啡厅会面,电话交流或者Skype语音聊天是很好的选择,而且你想交谈的人,很有可能也在家办公。更重要的是,他们可能渴望更多的社会接触。 因此,在保持一定距离的前提下,信息面试可能是打破孤立、了解某人的职业生涯、建立人际网络的好方法。
If you have a few ideas about jobs that might interest you, then take this time to reach out to professionals who currently hold those jobs. In the midst of a pandemic, it's not appropriate to ask them to meet up for coffee. But you can ask them for a quick phone call or Skype chat. The reality is that the people whom you'd like to speak with may be working from home too. What's more, they might be itching for more social contact. So, informational interviews could be a good way to break isolation, learn about someone's career, and build a network, while still keeping a distance.


9. 与人为善
9. Be nice to your fellow humans.

如果您与他人一起生活,整天和他们呆在一起可能没有你想象的那么有趣。把你的沮丧情绪转化成一些无害的事情——例如,打枕头,用俯卧撑把自己搞得筋疲力尽,或者把茶巾放在牙齿间,尽可能大声地尖叫。 无论您做什么,都不要攻击任何人。
If you live with others, being cooped up with them fulltime might be less fun than you imagined it to be. Channel your frustrations into something harmless—for instance, by punching a pillow, exhausting yourself with pushups, or placing a tea towel between your teeth and screaming as loud as you can. Whatever you do, don't punch anyone.


10. 放松娱乐
10. Do fun stuff.

Close your eyes and think back to the time before you went to grad school. What was giving you joy? Is there an old hobby you can pick up again? One upside of your home confinement is that you no longer need to spend time commuting back and forth to work. Can you reallocate that time to doing something that will bring you joy—or, at the very least, alleviate some stress?


It's an incredibly turbulent time for most of us. Take care of yourself and others, and remember to wash your hands!


源于《Science》杂志:Working from home because of COVID-19?  Here are 10 ways to spend your time,作者:Karin Bodewits,编译:David Fan


